
Friday, October 5, 2012

Cindy Sherman :: SFMOMA

So last week I went to one of SFMOMA's events on thursday night. The main exhibition in the museum right now is Cindy Sherman, so the night was focused on her work.

Thursdays are already half price at the museum, so general admission was only $9 and they served free wine - what a deal!

Anyways, on the rooftop terrace where the coffee shop is along with a Calder mobile and a Louise Bourgeois spider sculpture, the room was filled with avid San Franciscian art lovers sipping wine and crowding around some of Cindy Sherman's photographs come to life. There were about five people dressed up as some of the personas Cindy Sherman becomes within her photographs. Each one had a few "pop up" performances- singing, dancing, rolling around on the floor etc. After this taste of her work, I was dying to go see the exhibition.

It was astounding to see the same person (Cindy Sherman herself) create numerous different personas within dozens of photographs.

I also found it interesting that she did not title any of her photographs, I think it invites the viewer into a conversation with her art and you can decide for yourself the identity she creates within each piece. 

What do you think of her art? Who are your favorite artists?

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